Sunday, September 6, 2009

Caught a SALE!!! Mosaic Monday

I am trying a short post. Everything in my computer is in a different spot, and I am having a hard time getting things back to normal...

The DELL Saga would take a whole post, and the story continues...I think they should rename themselves HELL..because that is what you go through!! :(

You know I frequent the WSonoma outlet...Several of the sales people know me as I am there so much. (And THAT is NOT a GOOD thing, Martha!)
Sometimes you find something good...and I did..

I received an email about their Labor Day weekend sale...and as I was on my way home from a visit to my sis, I detoured and made a quick drop in! I never go on the weekend, and a Holiday weekend, no way..just too much traffic...

So for the last few months they have had these Large Apilco, made in France Lion's Head covered bowls...$99.00

Ouch, no way, ever, under any circumstances...

BUT the email said SALE...


I ran in, but no sign and still marked $99. I asked a sales lady, and she went and checked...could it be??


Yes! 12.99 !!

The sales lady quickly grabbed 2 for herself..she had just arrived at work. She went in the back room and saw all the employees had them there to buy..and they get 40% additional discount..

I am thinking of trying to get a job there..:)

I am joining Mary at Little Red House for Mosaic Monday...Thanks for hosting, Mary!

Fall Favorites...


Hope you are all having a delightful Holiday weekend...


  1. OOO, K!! This is fabulous...I am so green with envy I could just spit! OK...well, I AM happy for you that you made that little detour!!

  2. I'm glad you're back!!

    and I am so jealous, those weren't on sale when I was there. I would grabbed it! Do you have the small bowls, too? You are good, but if you worked there, there'd be no stock for anyone else, LOLOL!

  3. Great deal, I am also jealous. I can't wait to see what you use it for.

  4. That's not a bargain, Kathleen, .... it's a steal. I'm so happy for you. Y

    I think, more often than not, at our Wm-Sonoma, when there's something significantly marked down that the sales people grab them up for families and friends, etc. Definitely, a wonderful perk for working there. Who could blame them!

    Love the new banner.

  5. What a deal! I never seem to find deals like that...lucky you. You deserve to find that kind of deal after the ordeal you have been through! Glad to see you back.

  6. Hell...that's a good one, the perfect name for them.

    What an awesome deal.

  7. Bravo pour toi:) I would have jumped too:)

  8. Kathleen,
    I am sooooooooooo excited to see the bowl. It looks better than I remember them! I love the fall change of your blog. I have to get there, but I still don't want summer to end. Thankfully your computer problems seem to have been solved. Was wonderful son the one who solved them?

    I LOVE the acorn shaped butter, the acorn shaped ramekins, and if that wasn't enough, the chocolate dipped acorn shaped cookies!!! Wonderful, terrific, inspiring!!!!
    - The Tablescaper

  9. Came back to check that you are STILL HERE :) and I love the new fall banner pic! and the mosaic!

  10. Wow, what a great sale!!! Love your mosaic, too. Now I'm hungry... :) Thanks so much for sharing your wonderful images at Mosaic Monday. :)

  11. Wow, who could pass up a sale like that. It certainly sounds like a great place to work with another 40% off.

  12. Kathleen, only YOU could sniff out such a bargain!

  13. Hopefully your shopping luck made up for a little of the computer problems...and your mosaic is wonderful...Happy Sales!!!

  14. Soups would definitely taste delicious coming out of that beautiful piece! ... and less than $13? Lucky you!

  15. Oh Bravo! Good things come to those who wait for clearance :0)
    Love your food mosaic.
    Now I'm off to google W.S. outlet locations...
    So sorry about the computer issues, so frustrating.

  16. Ah yes, you did do well in this purchase! How fun to run into something so truly a bargain. You don't have to work retail just to take advantage of the extra discount- you only have to cultivate a friendship with someone who already works there! *grin*
    Hope you get your dell problem resolved so you can get back to normal.
    :-) Sue

  17. Great find! Those treats in your mosaic look divine! Love it!

  18. Hi Kathleen,
    I am so glad your computer is up and running! That deal is so good I am apple green with envy! hehe. And yes, that bushel of apples should be for you my friend! We have several different varieties of apples but to tell you the truth we're not sure what they all are. I loved your mosaic too, I would for sure get a job at that store! hugs, cindy

  19. Now that's what I call a sale. Your mosaic is so good it has made me very hungry. LOL

  20. YEA! Kathleen's back! I feel your pain - I have been so frustrated with Dell that I've told them I'd never buy another product from them, but shoot! Their prices are so darn good, and you know I won't buy it if it's not a bargain. Speaking of bargains-that covered bowl price is un-be-liev-able! You lucky girl! I hope that looking at this mosaic doesn't put calories on me, but it sure looks like it would. Yummy mosaic! laurie

  21. I mean THAT was a deal! SALE it certainly was! Lucky you! :)

    Mosiac' idea how to make one. I am still working on getting music on my blog..and you should see the mess I have made of that!

    DELL! I spend over 9 hours online to them once trying to get my computer fixed. It started in the morning and by that evening I was in tears and actually feeling ill and without knowing it, I was beginning to cry! I had to ask them permission to go potty. I couldn't even eat.
    I was hooked by phone to a country where it was difficult to understand what they were saying and I struggled with that. They left me hanging for ages while they conferred to was a nightmare! It has been awhile since I have had to go through it and the computer was brand new at the time! Every time any little thing happens now...I hold my breath. So good. Twice on line with them...and I live in fear!! Stark fear!!
    Delicious looking mosiac!

    Sorry, I got carried away when you mentioned DELL from HELL!


  22. Hehehe, I just can't help but laugh at Dell's transformation to Hell. Too bad, I have the same experience with the unit, it busted after a power failure. And now for the real thing, that's a great bargain and good find! Your desserts look so yummy!
    Have a great week!
    Ebie's Mosaic

  23. Maybe that's why they weren't marked..all the employees wanted them! And you only bought ONE????

    You are definitely the QUEEN of bARGAINS!!

    Glad to have you back...

  24. Forgot to mention I love your mosaic..yummy! AND..your new header..heading into fall!

  25. Oh my goodness!! Great bargain! I just bought four of the small bowls (soup?), at Marshall's @ $3 each. I thought they were a bargain, but you have mine beat with this deal!WOW!

    I have had a couple of "experiences", with Dell myself! You have my sympathies!!

  26. I used to work at WS - I never, repeat never, brought home a paycheck! Between Pottery Barn and WS, I furnished our home in Florida on a budget! What fun! Love your photos.

  27. WOW! What a great deal! Colour me green with envy.

    I have heard so many similar stories about Dell. No way I'd *ever* buy one the way things stand now. I LOATHE the way so many companies are outsourcing their customer service to countries where the personnel can't string 2 english words together. Keep it in-house, and language appropriate, wherever you may be!

    Sorry for the rant... but you started it. ;)

  28. Lucky Duck! You snagged a beautiful thing. Doesn't it feel good when you have your eye on something and it goes on sale? I would work there in a heartbeat, but they probably wouldn't like me hobbling around and stashing all the good stuff for myself. I can't wait to see what you put in this gorgeous tureen. Knowing you, it will be something stupendous, because..well, that's just you!

  29. Sorry you have computer problems. I go nuts when that happens and I still can't see all the photos people post from my computer and not sure why??? Going on for months now and not one person can solve the mystery for me. Now the WS outlet is far from my home. It is like an outing when we go there but what a wonderful bargain you found. I have to say that is a total SCORE! We were at the outlets on the way home from SC today and I scored an amazing purse at Banana for $19 that was originally $120. I have been watching the price on that baby all summer. I have a thing for purses Big Time! I also shopped at Home Goods and did major damage with Halloween dishes and little do dads. No more mad money left in my wallet but I am happy:)

  30. Saw you were posting again and wanted to stop and say hi. Great sale indeed. What is that 88% off? You'd better not get a job there you'll go broke buying up everything they have...LOL
    Have a super labor day!!!

  31. Wow, what a GREAT deal!! It's like you almost got it for free and just paid for the sales tax! Thanks for sharing your fall favorites mosaic ... looks yummy!

  32. Oh my gosh, you hit GOLD, Kathleen! $99 marked down to $12.99 is amazing. I sure hope we get a Wm Sonoma outlet near us one day! I stopped at the closest big outlet today myself and the place was a zoo! You could barely drive.

    Congrats on your great find :)

  33. Wonderful bargain, and your mosaic is filled with fall goodness.


  34. Wow! What a great buy! I am glad you pursued to double check the price and not get discouraged with the $99 tag...Christine

  35. Hooray, you are back here and looking great.
    I swear this is why I cross the border to shop.(I do swear really, complete potty mouth)
    We just don't get deals like that here in Canada. A sale to us is 10% off and if they are really on roll we might get 20%. Woo hoo. Not.

  36. What a steal!! You go girl!! Hope you had a great Holiday. Stop by when you can. Hugs, Connie

  37. Another yummy mosaic! Nothing like pumpkin, fall, and pies! yum!

  38. I bow to my queen of bargains... You are the best Kathleen! It goes to show that it never hurts to ask. I'm glad you back up and running.

  39. Kathleen,
    Those look wonderful!!!

    Thanks for joining in on 3 or more, and thinking about the 3 projects challenge.
    You can join in any week and show us a project you have finished.
    This is just a fun way to get ourselves in grear. =0))

    Barbara Jean

  40. Oh My!!! You hit the jackpot...I was at the W.S. outlet yesterday here in Georgia and looked at both the big turreen and the small soup covered bowls and that turreen was $60.00 on sale....they had 40% off..

  41. What a great buy on the covered bowl!

    I love your new fall header and the mosaic.

    Well, Dell may be hell, but HP is worse! They don't honor their warranties and blame the customer for any computer malfunctions.


  42. HOLY SMOKES 12.49 FOR THAT COVERED BOWL???? You are the Queen.

    And here we detoured through downtown Riverhead to avoid Tanger and its environs. Dang.

    But thank you, ma'am, for the spectacular weather you arranged! A mite bit cool in the evenings, but refreshing. :-)

    Wow, when W/S says Sale, they mean SALE, don't they?

    Go Chuck.

  43. Hi Kathleen,
    Good shopper. Don't you just love those unexpected bargains? Makes the purchase that much sweeter :)

  44. Gorgeous covered bowl, such graceful it! I would have gotten 3 or 4 for gifts too!

    Great deal!

  45. Hi Kathleen! Oh, I'm so sorry about your puter problems! This can be so frustrating!
    Now that tureen is wonderful and what a deal! Man! I wish I lived close by, I'd help you shop!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  46. Ditto what BJ said...spit! :-) No really...this is awesome! You so rarely see a screaming deal in WS and girlfriend, this is a screaming deal! Wow! WS is less than 2 miles from my'd think I'd get in there regularly...guess I know I'd just get into too much trouble. LOL

    Amazing buy, Kathleen...I know you were one happy camper! :-)

  47. My brother and his wife were registered for Apilco dishes when they got married and I remember how pricey the stuff was when we purchased some for them. Yikes you got a great deal!
    The mosaic is great!


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