Saturday, August 29, 2009

Sunday Favorites~Shredded Apple Pie

I am joining Chari at Happy to Design for her Sunday Favorites.

I know some are reposting Fall posts, but I wasn't a Bloggin' Betty then, so I have nothing to post.

So I'll skip ahead to one of my least viewed posts when I first started least to many of you it will be NEW!!

And for those who are tired of the heat, I am fast forwarding you to winter..grab a sweater..:)

But it is APPLE season, so maybe you can try the pie!


Look at Frosty STAY!

It is bitterly cold....I know it is winter, and some of you have this all the time....but ICE..hate it. Maybe I should get those things for your shoes they sell on QVC with grippers??
And tonight another gifting of precipitation...I was planning to break out of here tomorrow, so we will see!

Good weather for beef stew and biscuits...



The biscuits are in a tiny wagon that came with the display pieces....the sled you saw on the table yesterday...there's a bike, a, wagon and a wheel barrow too.

Since we are talking Frosty, this is a snowman my friend Mary gave me. It is from Villeroy and Boch and has a place for a light inside...


And this one all in blue and cream, also a gift, from my son's in laws..He is called
St. Flurry's.. Cornelius Vanderfrost by Mindspring... ( I never realized he was a Saint, now I really can't put him in the powder room!) :)

My WFD blogger friends know I have quite a collection of them, and I decorate the guest bath with them for Christmas....

I don't want to collect them anymore....I have enough, and some are so pretty they deserve a better display than the guest powder room!

The gkids like to see them, and always count to make sure the number hasn't decreased!


I tried something different today for an apple pie. A gal on another forum showed us a pie with shredded crust. I can't find the recipe, so I just made my regular dough, froze it a bit and shredded it with a microplane...

Not like hers at all...and dh wanted to know why I was grating cheese on the pie!
But since most of you don't know what I was aiming for, I will show this anyway!


Up close...



Mike believes in eating dessert first, so he did!

Stay safe and warm...
Thanks for stopping by...

Have a great Sunday, thanks Chari for hosting!


  1. Very interesting. I've never seen shredded crust before. Thanks for sharing!

  2. I DO remember this post!!! That stew looks so good - it's getting so cold at night it would hit the spot right now!
    I remember the pie too - looks funky and I bet it tastes great...

  3. I remember this post. In fact, I thought I might try the shredded crust.

  4. What a cute post! I love snowmen -- don't have many, but the ones I have I leave out past Christmas, because I consider them winter decor!

    That pie looks yummy -- never shredded crust, but I have cut phyllo dough into tiny slivers and formed birds' nests out of it, for shells for creamed seafood. Never thought of shredding pie dough!

  5. WELL....I NEVER !!
    Never have I seen a shredded crust pie before. Knowing you, however, I want to make it because...1. I love apple pie..2. Anything YOU make tastes great..I know 'cause I've tried a couple of your recipes.:)
    Love your little snowmen. I understand about not wanting to collect any more. I have a few collections like that ..seems they have just 'runaway with themselves'.
    In fact I have my dining room in SUCH a mess right now. Cleaning out hutches and trying to decide what the grandkids MIGHT want someday and try not to give it ALL to Goodwill. I would really like to do that very thing!!!
    Happy Sunday, sister friend.

  6. ooo, and meant to say to tell Mike that CHEESE on top of warm apple pie is worth killing for!!

  7. I remember that pie and also who posted it on that other forum ;) Your slice looks so good. We had apple pie and ice cream Friday night. There is nothing more tasty on a cool evening! I am really not looking forward to those Frosty days, though, no matter how cute he is!

  8. I remember your shredded pie crust, Kathleen. It looks just as good now as it did then. :)

    As wonderful as that stew looks, I'm not ready for winter or Frosty.

  9. Kathleen, yummo!! I can't wait for holiday EATING! HA.


  10. Apple pie is a fav! Looks delicious!

  11. Hmmm, looks fabulous, I bet it takes delish too!...Christine

  12. Hi Kathleen...

    So happy to have you join in the fun of Sunday Favorites again this week, my friend!!!

    I love this's about that time of the year again! Autumn is pushing its way into Colorado...the perfect time for some of that delicious looking stew!!! Mmmmm...yummy!!! Your table was gorgeous too...and ohhh, all of those pretty snowmen!!! I collect them too...and...if you ever want to get rid of some of yours...hehe!!! Girl, I have always heard of warm apple pie with cheese...I think it sounds scrumptious but I have never tried it! I will have to do so...your photos sure made me have a "hankerin'" for some!!! Hehe!!!

    Have a super Sunday, my friend!

  13. Hi Kathleen,
    Your food always looks so delicious. I have plans to make several of your recipes, soon I hope. Have you had any formal training because I definitely see the passion.
    Have a great day.

  14. Oohh!! That pie looks some kind of good!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog. I hope that you'll visit again.

  15. That pie looks divine! Thanks for sharing. I hope you will join me for Crock Pot Wednesdays at My "blue" this week is part of a tribute to Julia Child. Hope to see you signed up with Mister Linky.

  16. We're having cooler nights in Tennessee this week ... just a touch of Fall in the air. Your stew and pie are perfect suggestions as we transition from one season to the next ...

    I like eating dessert first too! That Mike is a clever guy!


  17. Your table setting is beautiful and it looks like you are a wonderful cook. That beef stew and bisquits. Please visit me and leave me the receipt.

  18. dang girlie, that stew looks scruptious and the wagon with the biscuits!! My kids would love for me to incorporate their John Deere tractors or red wagons for a fall watchin'.

  19. Just checking in! Email notifications?

  20. No baking for me this weekend just kicking back and enjoying those last summer rays. Temps are unseasonably cool here in the south so global warming may turn to global cooling and Al Gore will be sitting in his office all confused:) Maybe I should bake him your pie and send it to him to keep him warm:)


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