Tuesday, August 18, 2009

SHARK!!! Outdoor Wednesday

Well, just one..

And it was a kite, at the ocean..:)

Now that I have your attention..let's go on a little field trip..not far, right here in Southampton.
Put on your water shoes, grab your carpenters apron, get your rakes and cooler..cause we are going

On the way to the secret clamming spot..one that hasn't been "clammed out" :), we will pass Shinnecock Golf Course..where the US Golf Open was held a few June's ago...
They haven't invited me to join yet..:)


Then we pass the new course, Sebonack


Sebonack Golf Course..you can read about here....
It's a beauty..and no invitation from them either...

Rachel Ray lives in this area, but she hasn't called to invite me for tea yet!

Now we arrive at a very pristine spot...


One lone clammer...hey, I think I know him!

He has his permit..


This is the first time the gkids have gone clamming..

First they meet..


The Horseshoe Crab is dead, so after Nana tells them they are amongst the oldest living creatures, more closely related to the spider than a crab, and that they are used for research to cure diseases, that their blood is blue......and so on...(Nana sometimes gives TMI)

My oldest grandson decides it is safe to pick up, but he sure didn't like the smell...:)


They all set to work....very muddy in spots, don't sink in!


And before long, they had enough clams..never take more than you can eat!

But not before the littlest clammer, 20 months old, fell seat first into the cooler holding the clams...I wish you could have seen the look on his face!


The catch...sitting in a cooler with fresh water continually flowing..throw in a little corn meal so they clean themselves well..


And tomorrow they will be...Clams on the half shell( for the brave..)


Or Baked Clams...


And the big ones..Long Island Clam Chowder...

Hope you enjoyed the clamming trip...
Thanks for visiting..Mark the 25th for the White tablesetting event..see sidebar for details..
Be sure to visit Susan at
A Southern Daydreamer
for more Outdoor Wednesday entries..


  1. Great fun! I have only clammed once and I loved it as well as the fruit of the labor!

    I have never found a horseshoe crab. I can't believe the size!

    Thank you for sharing your trip.

  2. Looks like fun but no shell fish for me.

  3. Those are so neat Kathleen and I would just love to try one,. Your recipes look absolutely awesome! Great post, Cindy

  4. Mmmmmmm, :rubbing my tummy:....I LOVE clam chowder.

    Great photo share. Looks like every minute of your trip was so fun!

    Come on over and stick your toes in the warm Gulf waters with me...I shared some 'ocean' photos today.

  5. Wow, the size of that horseshoe crab! Big smell too :-( We would enjoy clamming with Mike. Do you go also? Thanks for the recipes...maybe I can find some decent clams from the fish truck on Thursday.

  6. Hi, I have never been clamming, it looks like fruitful fun. The baked clam looks delish.8-) Thanks for sharing the great pics.

  7. What a life! I caught a few episodes of the Housewives of NYC was it? Yes and they go to the Hamptons..Oyoyoy.I think it was the voyeur in me that couldn't believe their lives.

  8. What a haul, Kathleen ... The little one falling in the cooler is priceless, a story that will be told many times in his life, I'm sure.

    I had no idea a Horseshoe clam was so big. Such a fabulous day and lots of wonderful memories for the grandkids.

  9. Would truly love some New England Clam Chowder right now!! Thank you for this post! Cathy

  10. Looks like a great day!! I've been clamming once close to the Dungeness Spit in Washington. fun times :0) We made clam chowder.

  11. What a great day!!!

    One day your grandies will be spouting off all of grandma's little tidbits of TMI and everyone will be impressed with their knowledge!

  12. Hi Kathleen
    I have never been clamming, it looks like great fun. I lived on Long Island as a kid and have only been back a handful of times. Maybe in the spring. Is clamming seasonal? I did find a horseshoe crab at Montauk (spelling) once and boy was it smelly.

    Great post and fun to see the grandkids join in. Thanks for sharing and Happy Outdoor Wednesday.

  13. You are one brave lady to take all the grandkids clamming! I bet the kids had a ball. Just looking at the clams has me drooling. I am so looking forward to a fried clam roll when I get to New England the end of next week.

  14. That certainly looked like a fun outing! I will eat those baked clams and the chowder, but not too sure about on the half-shell! LOL Your food pictures always look so darn GOOD!! yummmm....
    Hey, I'm not Rachel, but I'd sure invite you! Would you settle? *grin*

  15. the old road is one of my favorites

  16. Kathleen, I'm not brave enough to eat clams, although I did manage to try one, once.
    But, I have to tip my hat to you on the presentation.
    I also would've loved tagging along with the clamming crusaders.
    Oh, and to have witnessed the look on the youngest clammer, when he landed in the cooler. Yes, I'm incurably inmature that way.

  17. This is so cool and it looks like you had great fun. Terrific memory making with your grandsons. The clam possibilities are endless aren't they? Miss ya girl.

  18. Mmmmm...wish I could be a tester for you, just to make sure the clams are worth eating, you know. I LOVE fresh clams, I was raised on them. I was born and lived nine and a half years on the state of Washington coast! Clams are soooo good!. Hugs, Cindy S

  19. Boy do I admire you, going claming, cooking the clams, then eating them. They do look delish. My husband would kill for them.

    Fun blog.


  20. What a great way to spend a day. If you don't have to do it for a living, clamming is really fun and builds up an appetite for that wonderful chowder you've shown us. I hope you are having a great day.

  21. what is not to love about your post? the kite is pretty cool. I love that you taught them how to clam and that you know how to store them and clean them like it is commom. Love it!

  22. MY first clamming trip!! lol Learned quite abit from the post..and never TMI, I bet you'd be surprised how much soaks into their little brains.
    The food looks delish - never had clam on the half shell, only oysters...but I would grab onto the baked ones in a minute!
    That type of shark is the only one I would want to get near!!

  23. I was traumatized by the movie Jaws! What a great post, Kathleen. Clamming is an adventure I will most likely never experience and your grandchildren are learning so much...TMI - LOL!

  24. Now that looks like a beautiful trip....don't know about raw clams though!


  25. OMG! I am soooooooo jealous! Lucky kids, they are having a ball, and then a huge feast!

  26. Kathleen, that was such fun! I reall enjoyed that post! I cannot beleive the size of the horseshoe crab. I have seen them, but never that big! WOW!
    I am off to chekc ou the info for the white tablesetting.


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