Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Outdoor Wednesday~ Little Church in the Village..

Please join Susan at A Southern Daydreamer for Outdoor Wednesday entries..

A few weeks ago I took you to Mass on the lawn in our little beach colony .
Today I want to show you one of the 2 Catholic Churches in Southampton.

This tiny little church is over 100 yrs old. It is called Our Lady of Poland.

Although there are a few left, 100 years ago Southampton had many farms and Polish farmers. This church was built by them . There is still one Mass in Polish.

It was recently renovated, it was structurally compromised, but the dimensions were not changed.



It is small, here's a peek inside..



It was built in the middle of the neighborhood so they could walk to church.

You can see the Southampton train station from in front of the church..


Many don't think of Southampton as "small" town, but really it is.
Many residents were born and grew up here, as were their ancestors. Beautiful mansions for the very rich and famous, and modest houses with working people.

A few flowers these last weeks of the season...

These are Rose of Sharon ...this was taken from my dining room. I dug these from other plants. They do grow fast, but I like seeing them through the window, and the deer don't eat them..:)


And hardy mallow...


Another beautiful day at the Bay...


Thanks for visiting..see you Thurs for TTH, and
WHAT'S IN THE BOX?? A new telephone booth?



  1. Hmmm, Kathleen. I am curious about what's in that big box. I think it takes 2 years before the pineapple bears fruit and then yearly after that. At least that's what I remember when we took a tour at Dole Pineapple Plantation in Hawaii..Christine

  2. Hi. Its a beautiful church. Nice blooms. Thanks for sharing. Great outdoor post.

  3. Beautiful churches Kathleen, and I love your neck of the woods. I'll be looking for your post on what's in the box. Is it Jack? LOL

  4. Hey Kathleen! Love the little church...so cute and gorgeous inside too!

  5. I love churches and this is a very pretty one. Thanks for the tour. And thank you for visiting my Purple house tour and your sweet comments. Hugs, Cindy S

  6. Gorgeous church. I'm very curious about what's in the box! :-)

  7. Wonderful church! What a tease you are with that there box!!

  8. What a charming little church, Kathleen! You live in such a pretty area.

    I can't wait to see what's inside that box!

  9. I went to a small church like that when I was growing up. I've always thought it would be wonderful to live in a village and be able to walk to everything, know everyone.
    Mama Bear

  10. I loved touring with you. You pointed out things we might miss on our own. My guess is that there's a statue in the box. I'll be back to see :-). I hope you are having a wonderful day.

  11. Hmmm...what's in the box...no idea...but I love the church, and would love to worship there sometime. Lovely community...such a blessing to be part of it! Mary

  12. I love photos of churches. I think they are so beautiful. And this comes from someone who never goes into one.
    I think it is because when I do genealogy most of the records I have come from these churches and I see the handwriting of the priests, the signatures of the family members. It makes them more real to me.

  13. What a quaint beautiful church! My husband is Polish.

  14. That is the most charming church I've ever seen.

    And will you please tell me why everyone seems to be by a wonderful beach. I never get that.

    Happy wednesday


  15. What a lovely church, Kathleen ... the interior is as lovely as the exterior is charming.

    I enjoy seeing neighborhood churches; many of our small town churches have become non-denominational.

    The bay is gorgeous.

    What a tease ... stay tuned Thursday.

  16. Dainty little church in the center of your town. Now what is box #1 is the million dollar question? Did you bake a huge delicious cake and the box is coming to my house:) Hope so!

  17. Sorry I didn't make it to South Hampton this trip. Maybe next time.

  18. Hi Kathleen!
    What a charming church!
    Your flower photos are lovely, too.

    Did you know that essential oil extracted from the mallow flower and leaves is wonderful for healing and skin regeneration? Its anti-inflammatory properties are in several products developed for arthritis. Just a little nugget of info....

    Have a wonderful day!
    Jane (Artfully Graced)

  19. I know what's in the box!!!!! It was in the back of my car - after our excellent adventure. But I won't tell.

    Didn't realize they renovated the Polish church. You've got to take pictures of Sacred Heart, although it is a bit of a photo challenge.

    - The Tablescaper

  20. The church is charming on the outside and very beautiful on the inside. It looks a lot larger on the interior. Thanks for sharing.

  21. Kathleen,

    Thank you for coming by to visit! :)

    I loved that Churh! I really enjoyed the pics! Thanks for sharing.

    Donna Marie

  22. What a lovely church. Your beach photos are so pretty. Since I'm reading backwards, I know what was in the box, and what a find that was! Sounds like you had a great time with a blogging friend. laurie

  23. Hi Kathleen,
    I loved the little church. I am a music director for a German Evangelical and Reformed church. Less that 25 years ago, the service was in German...we still do part of our Christmas Eve service in German, and sing the hymns in German. I love it!!
    Thanks for posting your sweet church.


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