Sunday, August 23, 2009

Mosaic Monday~ And the secret ingredient is.....

S A L A D....

If there are any rabbits reading..STEP AWAY from the computer..:)


Please join Mary at Little Red House for more mosaics...
Thanks for hosting Mary!!!

Tuesday is Part II of Let There Be White Tablesetting Party..
Everyone is invited..set with white dishes and one other color for linens etc...
Mr Linky will be waiting for your deWHITEful entry!

Thanks for visiting!

Blog discovery..
I came upon Lilly's Home Journal. What a find!
Lilly is a fellow Long Islander and her blog has great recipes and tutorials . Stop over and get inspired!


  1. With the tomatoes finally ripening I foresee many salads in my future :) What a beautiful array of wonderful salads, Kathleen!

  2. Beautiful mosaic...and those salads look so appetizing...yum yum!!!

  3. Great sense of humor there. Now I am hungry. great photo's. Sharon

  4. Hello, sweet Kathleen...your salad mosaic is beautiful...and delicious looking...and, nope, didn't take one single pecan with me on my vacation. I did, however, find the most delicious maple WALNUT fudge while there...oh,, I want a walnut tree!! haha..
    I am all ready to play with my white dishes and can't wait to see everyone elses...including yours, my dear. I have all white but the goblets and flowers...I PLAY BY THE RULES !! teeHee
    I am already looking forward to PART 111...You started something really fun..!
    hugs, bj

  5. Yum! Those are really great looking salads!

  6. Wow! A great selection for my salad days! Beautiful mosaic!
    My entry is here

  7. Those are some wonderful looking salads! Great mosaic.

  8. Those are great looking salads. They look so appetizing. I wish my husband would eat lettuce. I love salads, but don't make them for myself too often because my lettuce would go bad before I had a chance to eat it all. Your mosaic is wonderfully delicious.

  9. What a yummy mosaic! I especially love the "pear" salad. I'll see you tomorrow for Let There Be White.

  10. Oh! so very tempting!!!! Would love to taste them all!!! Have a grand day! Cathy

  11. Love a good salad, and yours are awesome! I'm hungry and drooling. Fantastic mosaic!

  12. Salads are my favorite. How yummy! Great pictures - be right back, think I need a snack!

  13. Kathleen,
    Amazing salads! Did you make all of those? I am impressed! I am so happy to join in Let There be White! Thanks for your lovely comments, Cindy

  14. Your mosaic is making me hungry. Each photograph is gorgeous.

  15. I would like to try every one of those salads. Lovely mosaic, Kathleen. Its going to be all about tomatoes for the next couple of weeks. They're coming on like gang busters.

  16. I'll take one of each salad, thank you! =-) Yum!

    Thanks for your "shout out"! I've already met a few of your sweet friends. And are enjoying their blogs! You are a doll!

    *smile* Enjoy the sun today! Lilly

  17. Great looking salad mosaic, Kathleen. Salads are definitely a staple around here in the summer. We FINALLY bought some fabulous home-grown tomatoes Saturday. This has not been a good year for them in MO.

  18. Funny!
    But since I am not a rabbit, I thoroughly enjoyed this salad mosaic.

    Becky K.

  19. I'm not a rabbit. But I sure am already ravenous simply from looking...

  20. MMmmmm now I'm hungry! Lovely mosaic... good enough to eat! =)

  21. I do love salads. I tried to enlarge it but it just took me to photobucket and I couldn't see where to enlarge it there.

  22. Beautiful salad mosaic Kathleen! I love salad!

    I'm ready for the party!:-)

  23. Beautiful mosaic and everything looks so yummy!...Christine

  24. I am just posting my whites...wondered what time Mr. L. will be up??


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