Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Ride the Waves..Outdoor Wednesday

The past weekend was a 10 weather wise...My family was out for the weekend, so we went to the Bay Sat, and the Ocean Sun.

I am joining Susan at A Southern Daydreamer for Outdoor Wednesday..Please go see all the other entries, and if you didn't make it to the Garden Party, please see my previous post!

Thank goodness for waterproof casts, as my gdau has had her arm in one since the last week in June..


After a day of riding waves, that cast must have had a few pounds of sand in it, and the lovely purple tape was unraveling! But she didn't let it stop her!
This was at Peconic Bay..


And this is the Atlantic Ocean..



A beautiful day at the beach on the East end of Long Island..


What's for dinner?
Well, we had salad again! With chicken..that was it..very filling!


Thanks for visiting, I do appreciate it!
Oh, a few of you have told me you are getting redirected to some dating site instead of my blog..I activated the word id, but that doesn't seem to have solved it..
Any of you seasoned bloggers know what I should do?
Please email me if you can help!
Thanks so much!


  1. I always love your beach scenes, Kathleen. How much longer will L have the cast? Your chicken salad looks delicious to me. Salads are always good for a meal here.

  2. O, I do try hard to be thankful for the things that West Texas allows us to grow...and we do have beautiful sunflowers and other flowers. I guess I've just seen so many beautiful flowers that we CAN'T grow (as well as magnolia trees) and you know we always want what we can't have!! lol
    I sure hope everything is ok with Susan...not having mr. Linky up makes me worried for her....

  3. Great beach pictures, makes me wish I were there.

  4. The beach looks so inviting! I also love your pink and green tablescape.

  5. Beautiful seaside photos, Kathleen! I love the waves crashing in. What beautiful blue sea and skies.

    No issues for me tonight coming to your blog!

  6. How beautiful Kathleen! The ocean pics are so blue and inviting! Wish I was there too. Love the menu, very light and yummy! Cindy

  7. Kathleen, this reminds me of the old song, "By the sea, by the sea, by the beautiful sea, you and I, you and I, oh how happy we'll be..." Great pics! I hope her little arm heals soon. I can remember breaking mine in junior high and having to wear a plaster cast for six weeks at the beginning of summer! I went into the pool with it wrapped in a plastic cleaner's bag. LOL! I had to hold it up, and it wasn't fun... and my elbow dipped in the water. Mama wasn't too happy about it, but my arm did just fine. LOL!

    Happy Outdoor Wednesday...


    Sheila :-)

  8. I love your beaches, Kathleen. No crowds :) Just beautiful! The kids look like their having a blast! Good thing for that outdoor shower.

    Not having an issue being redirected at all with your blog.

  9. I used to live up north and miss the beaches there. They are so much more beautiful than some of the Texas shoreline were we are now.
    I love the picture of the wave crashing, it's beautiful!

  10. Your blog is so lovely and i wish i was a techie and could help you with your problem. :(

    The beach house is to die for!!

    Thanks for sharing and making us jealous :)

    TTFN~~Claudia ♥

  11. Beautiful beach and that salad looks delicious!
    Have a great week.
    ~Really Rainey~

  12. I came to check it all out..no meetzu for me :-) Beautiful beach day..I wish I was there. I will try to investigate the issue!

  13. Great pictures of the beach, it sure makes me want to spend the upcoming weekend cooling off at the beach !!! Maybe i will try and talk hubby into it

  14. Your chicken salad looks great. We have not had nearly as much of that this year as usual. I'll have to do that.

    Have a great day!

    Becky K.
    Hospitality Lane

  15. Really wonderful, wonderful pics!!! Cathy

  16. Hi Kathleen! Such a beautiful beach! I loved the shot with the house in the distance....so pretty! It looks like the children are having a blast! And that salad looks yummy! Now I think I have to make one for lunch! lol Enjoy your week!...Debbie

  17. I love seeing beach photos.These are wonderful!

    The kiddo's are certainly enjoying summertime!

  18. Beach..kids and chicken salad! 3 of my very faves..Lily's grown so much!!!

  19. A day at the beach and dinner too? Wow I am coming to visit again! Happy Wednesday!

  20. Kathleen, I never tire of seeing your beach and bay pictures. The blues are fantastic. I love the virtual "visit".

    The salad with chicken looks very tasty and a perfect summer meal.

    I LOVE the pic where you can see Lily's cast. It's wonderful that they now have waterproof casts. I had no idea. ... Glad to see that she's not letting the cast keep her from summer fun.

    FYI - I've never been redirected to any other site.

  21. Hi Kathleen, wonderful beach scenes and the food looks so delicious. Wonderful!! Happy Outdoor Wednesday.


  22. Beautiful beach scenes. Helps me to think it is cooler here just looking at them.

  23. I want to be at your house today, walking along the water's edge and staying cool. We're in a heat wave and I'm craving the ocean. Lovely photos.

  24. Looks like you had a blast! Now about that chicken salad..... Darn I'm hungry! Thanks for sharing!

    Donna Marie

  25. FUN day at the beach and yummy food!

  26. What a wonderful day it must have been. Your photos are so crisp and clear they actually made me feel less warm. Your chicken salad looks yumalicious.

  27. Great beach photos!! Makes me want to pack up and go to the beach somewhere. I love chicken salad!...yummy!
    Thaks for visiting!
    Happy OW!!

  28. What a beautiful beach! Looks like you had a fun day. The salad with chicken looks scrumptious.


  29. Kathleen, love the beach photos!! I'm not getting redirected. Hope it's fixed!

  30. I am so ready for the beach! Great photos. The salad looks scrumptious!

  31. I love your beach scenes too. I have never heard of waterproof casts before - so glad someone finally invented that. Chicken salad looks so good - one of my favorites as well.

  32. Beautiful beach pictures! Chicken salad......my favorite!!

  33. what great photos!!
    that dating site comes with the online watcher thing. You know..the one that tells you how many people are on your blog...do you have that? it could also be coming with some of the other gadgets that we are able to install. Mine was doing that and when I removed the who's online site that I had at the time...it went away...I found a different one and it seems okay...feel free to stop by and take a peek at the one I installed this time.
    thanks for the visit to my blog today..my fertilizer is miracle gro. regular old formula.

  34. This sounds like such a wonderful day at the beach..., impressive what the girl can do with a cast!

  35. I could stay on that beach for a long time...love just the sounds of the waves..the gkinds look like they are really enjoying themselves..

    Salad with chicken looks delish..nice light evening mneal!

  36. Fabulous beach scenes, even if you do live on the "other" fork!


    We have had such busy weekends, that I haven't been to the East End since June.

    A dating site? Hmm... sounds interesting, lol. No, I haven't experienced this with your blog, but I did with one other -- very odd.


  37. Oh, I am jealous! I want to be at the beach! Beautiful pictures. I've never been directed to a dating site. Maybe it's just the good lookin' women who get directed to it! laurie


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