Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Outdoor Wednesday~A Mixed Bag...

I am joining Susan from A Southern Daydreamer for her weekly Outdoor Wednesday..
Thank you, Susan, for hosting, and I hope things are getting better there!

Thursday I drove over to the North Fork of L.I. to meet my H.S. friend at the Ferry.
For those not from NY, may I bore you with a little geography?
L.I. is an island , which is part of NY.

If you picture a fish, the eye would be Manhattan, and the tails would be the North and South Fork.
End of No. Fork is Orient Pt..South fork ends at Montauk.
It is approx 120 miles long and about 20 miles wide.

Lesson over..

The ferry comes across LI Sound from New London, CT. Pat drives from RI to New London, walks on the ferry and about 80 min later, walks off, and I pick her up...
We have been doing this for about 20 years...

We drove about 12 miles west to the old whaling town of...


Here is the ferry coming in, it was very foggy..


You can also take the SeaJet across to CT and a bus will deposit you at Foxwoods and Mohegan Sun, where you can gamble, lose your shirt, and come back on the jet a few hours later....:)

We walked around Greenport in the drizzle, and stopped in at the Doofpot, where they had all kinds of Italian pottery dishes...


We were the only ones in the store..and by the number of cars coming off the ferry and waiting to go on, you could see tourism is DOWN...

It was good weather for these, all painted differently...


We had lunch at Claudio's, Pat had lobster salad sliders, I had shrimp, and talked up a storm, the weather outside was stormy too.
I dropped Pat back at the ferry, I thoroughly enjoyed our visit...we go back so long...I wish we could visit more often!

On the way back to my side of the island,the South fork, I stopped at one of the many Farm Stands..


The corn was .65 an ear...WOW! I see where they got the name..

These cherries are NOT local...They come from Suzy's and Cathy's area...
I had never had the Ranier cherries..so when they came down in price, I bought a few for a taste test...


They won, much sweeter...Cathy said they have been great this year..

Finally,yes... I hear those snores..:)..

A few bargains..oh, that woke some of you up!!

I got these napkins for 70 cents in Home Goods..look at all those colors..the plates were 2.00 as were the rosy pink soup/salad bowls...
The striped bowls were 4 for 1.50..look at all those colors, oops, I used that line already!
But really so many "hues" to incorporate into a Tablesetting..:)



Thank you for visiting....before you go have a piece of Banana Walnut Chocolate Chip Loaf...I think I have made this more than any other sweet...I won't eat bananas once they get a little too ripe, so they go in the freezer till I have 9, then I make 3 loaves..

Please stop in at Susan's for more entries..
See you for Tablescape Thursday..


  1. I think it is just wonderful that you and your friend from high school still meet, Kathleen! I loved the geography lesson and will always think of a fish now :) Were you a little squeamish when you gave that analogy? LOL!

    Love the little duckies and the great buys you found!

    No Immeetzu, either!

  2. Yes, Susan, I was a little "squiddish" !
    FYI, Susan knows I am not a fish lover...love tuna from the can though..I know.:(

  3. O, Kathleen, I just spit sweet Texas tea all over my screen when I read your "well, there's the pecans" statement in my comments..
    hahhaaa..Now, can I use PECANS instead of Walnuts in this great looking bread?? We make Banana Nut Bread out here.
    I loved your story of you and your friend. Nothing in the world like an old friend that you love so much...Great post, dear one.

  4. What a fun tradition! The food you enjoyed sounds great! When I get back to Southern California I'm going to meet an old high school friend for lunch that I haven't seen in 40 years! I'm in the land of Rainier cherries right now. So yummy...

  5. All the corn here is now ripening at the same time. That isn't good. Heat wave to blame.
    BTW a dating popup has come up twice when I have clicked from your profile to your blog today. It is called meetaz or something like that.

  6. Sounds like an enjoyable time - despite the weather.

  7. Thanks for the tour..., I have been to the north fork..., all of the tip of Long Island really, and I absolutely love it.

  8. What a delightful day you had! Thank you too for your hospitality! Cathy

  9. What an informative post. I'd love to go there for a visit and to shop. Thanks for sharing. Happy Outdoor Wednesday.

  10. What a great outing with a friend, Kathleen! I would have gone crazy seeing all those beautiful Italian pottery and dinnerware. I love the colorful set that you bought with the napkins. They will make a very pretty tablescape...Christine

  11. I just LOVE the dishes & napkins! Before moving to the prairie, we lived in the land of Rainier cherries. They are always the winner.

  12. Interesting and a nice post.
    Happy outdoor.

  13. Looks like you had a fun time. ta ta for now.
    Joyce M

  14. I agree with you Reiner are sooo yumyy!

    TTFN~~Claudia ♥

  15. I loved your geography lesson! I use that ferry quite often and love browsing the shops in Greenport.

    Great Pics!!!

  16. I would love to go through all that Italian pottery!! MMMM... and the bread at the end looks great !

  17. I love to learn new things, so how could I help but love your post. I hope you have a wonderful day.

  18. Hi Kathleen, glad you enjoyed your trip to the GOOD fork. :-P

    We weren't out that far on Sunday --just to Centerport. I keep trying to find time to get out to Southold, but -- oy. So many other obligations.

    Annie and I may get out next week. She wants to go before she's off to grad school in Sept. It's been a month -- more! -- since we've been out. Too long.

    Isn't Greenport fun? When alida and I were there last month, we talked to a very nice fellow who had JUST opened a shop. Oh, I wish him luck! Greenport has had many ups and downs -- I remember its seedy days really well! It will bounce up again.

    How's tourism and business on the South Fork?

  19. How nice that you and your friend have kept in touch all these years. It sounds like you had a fun time. I could have had some fun in that Italian pottery shop. Love the Homegoods finds!


  20. Kathleen, those napkins are just about the cutest things I've seen, and the bowls too. What great deals you got! I can't wait to see a tablescape with them. Looks like L.I. is a wonderful place to have a fun day of shopping. Glad you had such a great time with your friend. OOOOO, that ban. etc, etc, bread sounds so fabulous! Will you share the recipe? laurie

  21. Thanks for liking my blue and whites...I wanted to sprinkle pecans over the after-dinner mints but I knew you'd laugh me out of Dodge!! haaaa hahaaahhhaaa....

  22. OMG...I just realized I have PECANS in my Foodie Friday post...DON'T LOOK AT IT !!

  23. O, and have I told you I ADORE your blog background ??

  24. Not snoring at all, I always enjoy!

  25. What a fun post Kathleen! Looks like you had a nice day with your buddy. Love the napkins. I swear..we don't have bargains like that over here. New York may be expensive on some things but CHEAP on others! Of course I am not the super shopper you are but I strive to be :-) Glad you liked the Raniers. I had never had or seen them before moving out here. The color attracted me, but the taste won me over for life! I only buy Raniers..plentiful out here every year but especially this year. I buy a pound at the Farmer's Market and bring them back to the office then make myself sick eating them all afternoon! lol I suppose there are worse things I could pig out on :-) Congrats on your cherries on FG! Fun pic and they say they like a catching title!

  26. Kathleen, what a wonderful tradition that you and your friend have .. I, too, enjoyed the geography lesson. Greenport sound like an interesting town. The Italian pottery looks amazing. ... Darling little ducks.

    I totally agree with the Rainier cherries ... definitely better, in my opinion. More fruit around the pit and sweeter.

    I love banana bread, too, and yours always look so tasty. Walnuts for me, pecans for John, but no choc. chips for either of us.

  27. Kathleen, what a fun post and I really enjoyed the geography lesson of LI and seeing the ferry in the fog. How fun to go shopping with you and see your treasures as well...there is one of those italian pottery shops in Duluth that I check out once in a while with Jayme. I love those bright colored napkins/bowls and your pink cabbage bowl almost look salmon or orangey-pink on camera. It will be fun to see how you use them in a future tablescape.


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