Monday, June 8, 2009

Mosaic Monday...Tastes of Summer

My second try..#1 is the big pic, I know someone asked last week...

I am joining Mary at Little Red House....Please check out the other mosaics..


The next post is my 100th! Who knew I would have this much to talk about..although my cousin's grandfather said I must have been vaccinated with a phonograph needle...couldn't use that expression anymore, not many know what a phonograph is!!!

What's for dinner..
Greek Salad, Parmesan Potatoes, Sliced grilled London Broil on City Market plates by Pfaltzgraff...



Parmesan Potatoes..
Scrub and cut potatoes into wedges..
Toss in olive oil, s&p, and freshly grated parmesan cheese.
Place on a sprayed baking sheet and bake at 350 till browned..They will be crispy on the outside and creamy in the middle.
You can hurry the process if you microwave a bit first before baking.

Thanks for coming! See you for my 100th..I will try to think of something good!
Please join in Debbie's event..see top of sidebar for details..


  1. Hi Kathleen :)

    What could be better than a food mosaic?!

    Dinner sounds and looks excellent :)


  2. Kathleen

    Those potatoes look yummy and on gorgeous dishes, too!

  3. I still drool when I see that blueberry tart... Great idea for a mosaic, sure make me hungry :)

    Looking forward to your 100th!!

    (and I know what a phonograph is, was...)

  4. Kathleen, great mosaic! and I knew you could talk, LOL! and I know your 100th will be awesome, looking forward!

    and funny I landed in a May mosaic also and commented twice!

  5. Oh what a yummy mosaic. I'm waiting for hubby to come home so we can eat and this is pushing me over the top! Wonderful mosaic!

  6. Ooo, yum!!! That blueberry tart is really calling my name. LOL I'm not sure your link showed up on Mr. Linky, so I'm going to try to put it on there now... :) thanks for your beautiful and mouth-watering mosaic, Kathleen!

  7. Kathleen, I am looking forward to blueberry picking this year, so I hope you will remind me to make this yummy blueberry tart. Great mosiac!

    Looking forward to your 100th!!

    I have no idea what a phonograph is :-) LOL

  8. Kathleen, a lovely mosaic for your 99th post. :)

    Dinner looks great served on my favorite plates.

    Looking forward to your 100th post. And yes, I do remember what a phonograph is (and 45's, 78's, and 33's).

  9. Oh, that looks so good, what a lovely mosaic! Happy Mosaic Monday ... :)

  10. K

    I'd love to do the white event, let me know which date you choose!

  11. Yummy mosaic! I can't wait to try those potatoes! Thanks for sharing!

  12. I'm only at 95! Yes, I think you do talk more than me ;) Great looking dinner and potatoes!

  13. 100 posts! OMG Kathleen you are a bloggin fool. Your mosaic is very pretty. Love the summer food!

  14. I have never seen such fabulous food! I really love your blog and now we have the same background, come check it out! Cindy

  15. now you're making me hungry. lovely images and the food looks good!

  16. To answer your comment first on my blog I have no idea who or what Bungalo Bar is? Now the Dugans man came around in his little truck to see Bread and also the early version of an Entemann product. My Aunt Mary use to buy the donuts and a coffe cake. As kids if we did not like another kid we would call him a Dugan. Not sure how that all came about? Till this day if I drop an item on the floor I yell out Oh Dugans. I haven't a clue why? It's not even dinner time and your post makes me want to turn the clock ahead so that I can eat:)

  17. Kathleen - Oh my, your 100th coming up!! ..I'm looking forward to it. - Fabulous Mosaic.
    Your meal looks so yummy. Love the Pfaltzgraff plates.
    You've inspired me again with another great potato recipe. Thanks..

  18. A mosaic that makes me hungry! Kathleen, your food is always so beautifully presented that it is like looking at art! laurie

  19. Love your comment about the vaccination with the phonograph needle, LOL. Of course, I'm pretty young, but I've heard tell about those phonographs and changing the needle!

  20. Oh now this just all looks soooooo good. I will have a little of each please. After all I'm always trying to diet, so just a small (large) taste of each of these gorgeous dishes. lol Your mosaic is just lovely. I still havn't tried that yet. I can't wait to hear more about the white table party. Did I miss all the details somewhere. Let me know. Hugs, Marty

  21. Beautiful as usual. I am going to try your potatoes. They sound great.
    I love the mosaics--just don't know how to do them.

  22. Looks delicious and attractive!...Christine

  23. I found you via your comment that you left at ButterYum a while back.

    I am actually getting in touch with you to let you know about a “blog” of sorts that I’ve started, called It’s a place where those of us who have had our photographs declined from TasteSpotting, FoodGawker or Photo Grazing can submit and have that same work published to help drive traffic to our sites. I hope you will check it out and give me your feedback. Even better, send me your photos!

    The current home is: (until the official site is up and running).

    I look forward to hearing (and seeing) from you soon!


    P.S. Taking one look at your gorgeous photos, I really hope that you have some to send me! :)


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