Tuesday, June 16, 2009

It's the Berries..

So last week while my back was out..I don't know where it went , but it was out..I was flipping the channels. I don't usually watch daytime TV, but as I couldn't do anything else, I did.
I came across a video this young woman sent in about how to hull strawberries.
As it is strawberry season here, it caught my interest..
She mentioned that when you cut off the top, you may lose up to a third of the berry..
Here is her method...

Take a plastic straw, the stronger the better..


Insert in pointed end..hold firmly..


And push...


It works, I was skeptical, but I am a believer in STRAW berries now..:)

Now since I had some whipped cream made for a cake, I filled my pastry bag and used a tip, and filled that berry right down to the bottom with fresh whipped cream...
Like shortcake without the cake, so it has to be good for you!


And while we are talking about fruit..
Here's my Pineappler...




The only drawback I can think of is that the pineapple comes out in a long spiral..but I don't mind..:)
The shell is a perfect container for chicken salad, fruit salad or whatever you like..maybe some sherbet!


As I have 3 more strawberries, I am joining Tam at The Gypsy's Corner for 3 or more Tuesday...

And strawberries and pineapples grow outside, so Susan, I am coming to your party too.Please go see all the other entries at Southern Daydreamer..


Thanks for reading this fruity post...
I will try to find the name of the gal who did the video...
Edited to add..Apparently it was a segment on RR show where people send in tips..
This is all I could find..
First of a video of Paula. She loves to make strawberry jam. She uses a straw to hull the strawberries. Stick it from the bottom and push it and the stem comes out.
So her name is Paula..Thank you Paula for the tip..:)


  1. So glad I got to see your
    'Straw Berrying'...in action!
    Great idea and looks sooo easy and yummy.
    Now, about that 'Pineappler'...
    where did you find that? I just love how it cleans out the whole shell so beautifully. Another great tip from you Kathleen!!
    Thanks so much.

  2. That is the COOLEST idea ever!!!
    I cannot wait to try it
    THANKS so much for sharing this ~

  3. Oh boy! I love that tip. I'm going to have to try that soon!!

  4. I'm lovin' these tips. Your photos are wonderful and really illustrate what you've said. Thanks for sharing the tips and the photos with us. Blessings.

  5. Love the tip for the strawberries, Kathleen! That pineapple thing is pretty cool, too!

  6. What a great idea! I have strawberries to try it on too :-) I will report back. Thanks for the tip!

  7. Hi Kathleen,
    Love these two ideas, especially the pineappler, Thank you for sharing, I hope your back is better. back problems are not fun.

  8. Thank you for this excellent tip for the strawberries and your pineappler looks wonderful too, wishing you a speedy recovery from your back pain, Kathy.

  9. Great ideas, Kathleen! We love gadgets. I have puzzled over the capping process, wondering how to save every bit of the fruit. The straw will now hold a place of honor in my drawer.
    I'm glad your back is better!

  10. Glad you were able to get some "use" from watching datime TV - the straw idea is cool..who would have thought!!
    The pineapple corer I hve seen on TV before - Like the idea of using the shell for a serving piece!!
    Great post!!

  11. Happy Outdoor Wednesday Kathleen! What a neat idea fo the straw-berry! How are you my friend? I have been thinking/worrying about you and your back... I hope you are resting and that it is doing better! Thanks for sharing your photos.~ Susan

  12. Kathleen, that is so clever, and I will never again look at a strawberry the same way. Nor a straw for that matter. LOL I've seen those clever pineapple things. Great post!

  13. Hi Kathleen,
    This is so wonderful and so timely for me! We bought fresh strawberries the other day and I wish I had known this trick. I love all your pretty pics, your so much fun to visit with! Cindy

  14. And this would qualify for foodie friday! Thanks for sharing!

  15. Kathleen - what a great idea for the strawberries and thank you for sharing with us. I loved the step by step tutorials and how you got it to fit into all the memes ;)

    Now since you are the bargain queen where did you get that pineappler? I NEED one of those!

  16. Hope your back is better! Did you see the lady with the power drill driven tomato juicer?--it was all on Rachel Ray. I will try the strawberry trick (probably not the juicer :)

  17. thanks for the tip, your strawberries look yummi

  18. Fun, informative post, Kathleen. ... Sounds like a good way to hull strawberries, but I definitely see the need for a STRONG straw. We have the same pineapple corer: John loves pineapple grilled.

    Hope your back is better by now.

  19. Yummy! The straw trick is great and love the cream filling...never saw the pineapple thingy before!

  20. gosh.. look at the strawberries.. delicious!.. so mouth watering!.. thanks for sharing these photos and happy OW. Have a great day too

  21. Wow, your pineapple gadget is just great. I've never seen one before. Love the ideas and suggestions for all the strawberries. So good. I tried to click on your button for the Whites on the 23rd to find out the rules and nothing comes up. I don't want to miss anything fun. Can you tell me all about it? Hugs, Marty

  22. What a great idea with the straw! I can't wait to buy some strawberries so I can try it myself!

  23. Kathleen,
    I am so sorry I'm so late visiting you. Thank you so much for playing along with 'Three Or More', I'm certainly using your wonderful tip with the 'straw'berries - too neat. And I love that you put that one in an egg cup, cool tablescape idea.
    Have a wonderful weekend my friend,

  24. Thanks for that strawberry tip, Kathleen. I almost bought the pineapple thing (on clearance at a very good price!). Looks like it works very well.

  25. If that isn't the most clever thing I've seen in a long time. And you've taken all the mess out of preparing a pineapple. Great ideas to be sure.

  26. Great tip for the strawberries, and since I just bought some fresh berries, I will try using the straw! Hope your back is better!


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