Friday, May 1, 2009

Shake your Maracas....Foodie and Flashback Friday..

A little table for the Cinco de Mayo Foodie Friday at Gollums...






I forgot to take a pic of the assembled chicken tortilla..I made strips from cutlets, dredged in a flour/breadcrumb/spice mixture in fried in a bit of oil...Shredded lettuce, cheese, taco sauce, add whatever you like...

The little maracas napkin rings are from Pottery Barn as are the red plates, chili pepper and place mats. The stainless steel Margarita glasses from Homegoods, the maracas in the centerpiece from the dollar store...

And for Flashback Friday at Suzy's Kitchen Bouquet ...

A beautiful Rhody..I look at it from my porch..never gets fed or pruned or anything!!
My next door neighbor's...I await its bloom every year. They only come in the summer, so they miss all its glory!


Thanks for coming by...please go see the other entries at Designs by Gollum and
Kitchen Bouquets..
And don't forget the Mother's Day tribute at Foley's Follies..everyone is invited to join in..details on her blog...


  1. I've never, ever seen maracas on a napkin ring - leave it to you, Kathleen! What a lovely, festive tablesetting. Beautiful margarita glasses too - but only at your house would they be empty - LOL!

    What a gorgeous rhody!

  2. I love your Cinco de Mayo table! Very festive.

  3. Oh my goodness. Such grandeur you have in your rhododendrons!!!! WOW!!!!! Cathy

  4. Love the table with those maracas!! Oh I wonder if my Rhoddy's are blooming in Washington? :)
    Have a great weekend...

  5. Your table is gorgeous..AGAIN!!! Wish you lived next door to me, I would be borrowing more than a cup of sugar! ;)

    That Rhody is least you get to enjoy it!

  6. Love your table as always, Kathleen. But the rhody takes the cake! Wow!

  7. I love your maracas! (ooh, that sounds a little strange, doesn't it?) Look at that Rhododendron. So beautiful. Have a wonderful weekend Kathleen,


  8. Kathleen, I remember when you bought the parrot plate ... It's perfect for Cinco de Mayo.

    What a fun tablesetting ... I love it, especially your use of the maracas, big and small.

  9. Love your Cinco de Mayo set up! Cute maracas. That rhody is gorgeous. Too bad your neighbors don't get to enjoy it. Staying the winter has it's perks huh? Great flashback..and soon you will be showing us pics again!

  10. I love your tablesetting too - you always come up with some beautiful and creative settings. Your chicken wraps sound yummy but the yummiest is rhodie! WOW, it looks huge and gorgeous.

  11. Kathleen, those napkin rings are just the cutest things, and all of your festive china makes such a wonderful table setting! I'm going back to look at it again. laurie

  12. This looks so delicious! My mouth is, as always, watering! Your dishes are gorgeous!

  13. Those little maracas are sooooo darling! What a lovely & festive touch! I'm so jealous of those Rhodies! I can't for the life of me grow them here - maybe it's just too hot? Anyway, they are gorgeous and I'd look forward to seeing them each spring too!


  14. Your dishes are just all looks and sounds great!

  15. Only you would find those festive maracas napkin rings!! What a wonderful tablesetting! Everything looks just perfect.
    I'm jealous of those rodies,they are just beautiful...mine were all eaten..

  16. Kathleen, if this blog weren't PG rated, I'd shake my maracas for all to see.

    As always, I enjoy your table settings, and the food gets an Olé from me too.


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