Thursday, May 21, 2009

Foodie Friday Memorial Day Weekend...

Memorial Day weekend is the start of the summer season here.
People come out and open their summer homes.

There is a parade in town, and a service at the park where a wreath is placed on the monument to all those in the armed forces who have died.

Across the US , it will be a familiar scene..a day to a blogger who commented yesterday said, it is not just a day off, or a BBQ..sometimes we forget..

This year our friend's son, Major Chris Meyers who served in Iraq as a Marine, will be speaking.
His brother, Michael, served in Iraq too, and they follow in the footsteps of their dad who served in Vietnam.
A Marine family..Semper Fi...and thank you to all who have served our country!

Foodie Friday...

My friend Marigene found me 2 more dinner plates and 4 salad plates to go with the Neiman Marcus dishes I have hunted down. She sent them to me along with some other lovely things I will show on another post...All the way from KS!! Thank you, Marigene!




We had a salad, and roast loin of pork with Hasselback potatoes and applesauce..



Please stop in at Gollum's to see the other Foodie Friday entries..
Thanks for visiting....


  1. Oh but it does look tasty! Happy holiday!!!!! Cathy

  2. Pretty table -- love those red dishes -- and the food looks terrific.

  3. Beautiful...the meal looks delicious and I love your header...thanks

  4. I love love love those dishes! Happy Foodie Friday! Have a great weekend ~ Susan

  5. Simply beautiful ... The dishes are so pretty and everything looks wonderful.

    Sounds like a fun celebration on LI ... Have a wonderful weekend. Will the shower get a workout?

  6. What a delicious sounding meal!
    But honey, those rooster plates are to die for! Well, maybe not die, but swoon a little for sure! How nice of your friend to find you some more! I love your table.
    Have a blessed and safe weekend!
    be a sweetie,
    Shelia :)

  7. Your dinner and your table look delicious! Your dishes are too,too, wonderful. Have a great holiday weekend.

  8. I don't know what's yummier... the food or the plates!

  9. I love those dishes!

    Your meal looks delicious.

    Sounds like your Memorial Day weekend will be wonderful.

    You are right, we must remember the reason for this holiday.

  10. Wow, I love that menu! And more in love with those dinnerware!!!

  11. Love the red! And the food looks delish!


  12. Great post, Kathleen! You have just the right words always! and a perfect meal! Love the plates! Marigene is a sweetheart :)

    Enjoy your traffic! and look for Adam, he may be heading your way with a carload of friends tomorrow!

  13. Your meal looks delicious and I love your plates! Have a wonderful Memorial Day weekend.

  14. I feel like saluting! And eating!

  15. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh you know I'm too jealous to type!! lol I adore them and they are perfect with your patriotic table. Thanks for the reminder about what the holiday's all about.

  16. Just ourstanding Kathleen. What a beautiful tribute to all of the Armed Forces. I love it all.

  17. What a wonderful tribute, Kathleen! I love your holiday background too.

    Here's wishing you and all our blogging buddies a happy holiday weekend!

  18. How festive your blog is...Looks Great!! And the food...OMGosh...I am getting so hungry.

    Glad you liked the Cake mix Biscotti....I really like it and make all different flavors.

  19. That looks so delicious, but I really want some of those darling plates! (Like I need any more plates). I'm afraid now, I'm going to be on the hunt for some too. laurie

  20. This vet thanks you for the wishes..and I extend prayers and wishes for you and yours...
    God bless America indeed :)

  21. What a perfect setting for a perfect meal!! I simply love these dishes...and have such envy!!

  22. Kathleen...I LOVE the blog header!! Also love the rooster dishes and your patriotic table. Happy Memorial Day!

  23. Oh I do love those plates! And this food looks MIGHTY tasty too!

  24. Those dishes are just begging for me to buy them! The food looks devine!

  25. I like your Marine Family post. Kudos to these men and their families!

    The salad looks lucious. And how nice that your friend has been helping you hunt down your plates!

  26. I didn't know you got the smaller chicken plates! Wow, they look so wonderful on this patriotic tablesetting...gorgeous!


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