Saturday, April 25, 2009

Sunday Favorites..

I have not posted much this week. I missed Tablescape Thurs as I was gone Thurs and Fri.,so no Flashback and Foodie Friday either :(
So when I saw Chari's Happy to Design blog was hosting Sunday Favorites, I decided to join in.
It is very much like my friend Suzy has..Flashback Fridays..but I guess it doesn't have to be about can be any old post..and I mean that literally!

What post to replay?
One which not too many saw except for my little band of old friends. We all started blogging around the same time so we encourage each other and learn from one another...So you dear gals, you have seen this, but since it is salad season, and this is really good, I am replaying my very first post..

I saw this in BHG magazine, Nov 08 issue, and decided to give it a try...

Vertical Pear Salad


It's a keeper...

Vertical Pear Salad
- 4 smooth skinned pears
- 2-3 cups water cress ..I used baby spinach-
1/2 cup toasted pecans.. I used walnuts,
- 1/4 cup crumbled blue cheese ..I used feta
- vinagrette dressing (your choice,I used raspberry vinagrette?)
- honey
- lemon juice
- Cut pears horizontally into four slices each. Use a knife to cut out the cores so the pieces look like donuts. Leave the stem on the top piece. Brush lemon juice on each cut side of the pieces.
- Toss the pecans, blue cheese, water cress, and dressing until coated.
- Reassemble the pear, vertically, with the watercress salad in between each slice. Once assembled, Drizzle with honey.

I did cook tonight, nothing fancy..just the 2 of us..

What's for Dinner??

Tonight I used my Market Place dishes from about a head of cabbage for a centerpiece..:) well it IS on the plate!

We had boneless pork chops, done in the oven, carrots glazed with a bit of lite
pancake syrup, and potatoes roasted with a little olive oil, parsley, s & p, and grated Locatelli cheese..put it all in a plastic bag and shake, spread on a sprayed pan, and roast till browned...





My friend Foley at Foley's Follies is hosting her very first event..(I am learning MEME is the word for that, but I have no clue what that means?)
It is a perfect way to honor your mother, grandmother, or the woman in your life who helped form you into the person you are today.

Share a favorite recipe, plate, etc, or memory in their honor for Mother's Day.
Everyone's invited..Mr. Linky will be up for you to join in...
Check out the details at her blog..

Have a wonderful Sunday...and thanks for visiting!


  1. That vertical pear looks wonder. Thanks for stopping by and saying hello!! Have a great weekend.

  2. Not to worry, Kathleen - you've had a lot on your 'plate' lately - pun intended :)

    I loved that pear salad and some day I will try it here. Your dinner looks wonderful - I hadn't heard of that cheese.

    I look forward to the Mother's Day event at Foley's Follies! I actually started on one of my remembrance recipes today :)

  3. Hey Kathleen - I did not put "Kathleen" with "Cuisine Kathleen" when you commented on my blog. Duh! Small world this blogging is. I love your site!!!

    I love the stacked pear salad idea!

    Thanks for sharing!

    Blessings, Barb

  4. If this doesn't impress my guests, then they can go home. It looks so good! Thanks Kathleen.


  5. That looks so good! :)
    Pears are my favorite fruit. Love this recipe and it's so pretty too!

  6. I've never seen anything LIKE the vertical pear before.

    All this food looks good enough to eat!!!

  7. Dinner looked very yummy. And the stacked pear salad. I had never seen anything like that. Thanks for sharing.

  8. That pear salad is a hit it looks like! What a fun salad to make - I will try this one

  9. So glad you re-posted this, since I had missed it the first time around. How impressive that pear salad is, and sounds delicious! Your plate of food is a work of art! laurie

  10. Hello Kathleen...

    I'm so happy that you decided to participate in "Sunday Favorites"...and thank you so much for the sweet "mention" at the beginning of your post!!!

    I didn't even realize that there was a similar Friday event...hmmm, but then this old blog world is pretty big with lot's of stuff going on...I learn new things daily! hehe!

    My friend, this pear salad not only sounds scrumptious but it looks soooo beautiful!!! It's a work of art, truly! That's really a lovely photo of it!!! I have never seen or have eaten anything like this...and I just love pears! I'd love to give it a try! I think that I would like the changes that you made to the recipe much better as well! Thank you so much for sharing the recipe!!! Mmmmm...your dinner sounded lovely too! You have inspired me to try your recipe for the potatoes also! They really sound good and so easy to make!

    Well my friend...thank you again for joining in with "Sunday Favorites"...I have really enjoyed your re-post and I hope that you've had so fun too!!!

    Warmest wishes,

  11.'s just lil' ol' me again! Hehe! I wanted to ask you what temp you bake the potatoes at and how long to bake them? I have never done potatoes this way...


  12. The pear salad looks so yummy and the combination of flavors is great! LOVE the presentation!

  13. Great post, Kathleen, that salad is perfect for the weather we're finally having! Hope you get some time outside today, it's beautiful! Great post. Love the potatoes!

    Have to go check Chari's Sunday favorites, I love reruns :) and yours looks great the second time around!

  14. Kathleen, your vertical pear is a great rerun choice; it's such an elegant look. I'm assuming it has to be deconstructed to eat. :)

    I always enjoy seeing your Market Place dishes. Dinner looks really tasty. I would clean the entire plate except for the carrots. No cooked carrots for me (even though yours sound delicious)., only raw.

    How funny using a cabbage head for the centerpiece...

  15. I do remember this gorgeous pear sals from the OLDEN days! Loved it then and still am amaezd at the beautiful presentation it makes.

    Will keep this in my file for this summer!

    Glad you are looking forward to the Mother Day event..MEME, huh...will have to find out how that same about. I've started one of my Mom's favorite cookie recipe and they are disappearing fast! It came from the Franciscan nuns who operated our hospitals' bakery!

  16. That is one beautiful pear salad! I will try that! Great repost for today!

  17. My challenge would be keeping the pear upright. I am not optimistic about my skills for that, but I'm willing to give it a try -- the salad looks fantastic!

    Love those dishes with the veggies on them... how cute are they? Your dinner looks great; I love simple food cooked well. The best.

    And yes, the North Fork is calling us -- loudly! Sadly we are so booked with events for the next few weekends that I don't think we'll make it out there till after Memorial Day. The house needs some refurnishing, so my sister and I are going to team up and do a mini-makeover. I'll post about it!

    Enjoy this glorious weather --what a gift!

    Go soak in the salt air for me, too!

  18. Beautiful pear salad and does not seem to be a lot of work to prepare either. Great repost!...Christine

  19. What a pretty presentation. I would like to try that someday. Your dinner looks delish, too! ~ Robyn

  20. Kathleen, the pear is just a little work of art. Nice to see the second time around. I have the city market platter and I think I got small plates too... I forget, they're still "in the closet".

  21. Your pear salad was a masterpiece and I loved seeing it again.

    With the produce on the city market dishes, I loved the creativity of the cabbage centerpiece. Great looking meal as well.

  22. Yum, the pear salad looks so pretty and I know it will taste good too. Thanks for sharing your recipe.


  23. That salad is something else! If I tried that it would topple over and onto the floor before I got to the table lol. I need breading tips...


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