Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Irish Soda Bread...and Outdoor Wednesday

We got over 15 in of snow here yesterday, lots of shoveling. My car hasn't made it out yet, but we got enough cleared so DH can get out, and he has 4 wheel drive. We didn't even get a mail delivery yesterday, cleared for him to get to the mailbox...my friend a few blocks away got hers...I guess it was selective delivery...
So much for neither rain, nor snow... blah, blah... but the paper man got through before noon!


Those of you living through this..scroll on by..this pic is for my friends and family in warm climates who ask,.."How's the weather?"

Here's my recipe for Irish Soda Bread...I have tried many a recipe, some dh said it would be cruel to feed to the birds! But we like this one..nice and moist when fresh, and delicious toasted...I hope you'll like it..


Irish Soda Bread....Kathleen

4 C flour
1 t salt
4 t baking powder
1 t baking soda
3/4 C sugar
2 t caraway seed
1 C raisins
1 egg
Splash of OJ
2 C buttermilk
1/4 stick of soft butter

Sift dry ingredients. Mix in the seeds and raisins. Add buttermilk and vanilla and mix.

Add beaten eggs and soft butter, mix..add a splash of OJ

Put into 2 greased loaf pans, or 1 10 in round. Slit the top with a knife.

Bake at 350 about 30 to 35 for loaf pans, 50 for round.
Brush with butter or milk 10 min before removing from oven.
Check center to see if done, do no over bake..


I make mine in a stand mixer, and it can be easily doubled...

You can omit the seeds..

Jayne, you can omit the raisins!

As we inch closer to St. Patrick's Day, I'd like to introduce you to some of my Irish collection, or as DH calls, more cwap we don't need...:(

This is Seamus..he's from Lenox


And you already met Paddy in yesterday's post. I brought him home from TJM..he had a little hole in him, must have been caught in the crossfire of an IRA BB back home...but I patched him up....the manager was happy to be rid of this 16 in Irish man, so he let me have him for 4.00..


I hope you are all coming to the party on the 17th..look for this bonnet I made on the door, and you'll know you are at the right house, I mean blog...



Outdoor Wednesday, hosted by Susan at a Southern Daydreamer is hosting..please go see the other entries...

After the snowstorm, one can't help but think of the warm weather that will eventually come....
A lovely boat ride..


Fresh vegetables...


Blooming window boxes......


And a walk down to the beach to watch the sunset...


But for now, these things are a Northern Daydream..:) months away..

I'll be back Thursday, the Lord willing, for Tablescape Thursday, hope you'll stop by...♣


  1. Love your Irish decorations and I plan on making your recipe of the Irish Soda Bread. Sounds and looks delicious! Your hat is adorable.
    Could I ask you a question? I saw a tart pan online and wondered if it is a good price. It is 14x4.5 inches. Made from tinned steel with removeable bottom. Price is $18.95 Thanks!

  2. Kathleen looking good!! I keep remembering all the soda bread you made for Declan's baptism!

    16" Irishman for $4.00, the shopper returns!

    Love the bonnet...I will definitely be using it...

  3. I love March even more now that you are a "bloggin betty"! How great to see parts of your Irish collection but not your snow! I hope it melts quickly.

    Like Barb, I can't even hear the name Irish soda bread without thinking of all those loaves you made for Declan's special day.

  4. Kathleen, would you mind if I brought Irish bread to your St. Patrick's party? It will be your recipe, of course. I've always wanted to make it, but didn't have a good recipe.

    I'll always remember all the loaves you made for Declan's special day :-)

  5. wow...that'a alot of snow! We've missed the blizzards the last few weeks but sure got our share in Nov/Dec/Jan!

    Great picture and glad your starting to dig out!

  6. Kathleen, your Irish soda bread is such a beautiful, golden color. I'm sure it is the best of the best.

    Your snow scene is so picturesque. I know you were unhappy to get all that snow; hopefully it will melt soon.

  7. Oh, great Kathleen... I can make it without raisins. Thanks! I'm going to try it. I remeber the bread for Declan too! Great St. Pat's decor! You're fun!

  8. Welcome to Outdoor Wednesday Kathleen! Wow you had alot of snow! Yummy the Irish soda bead sounds good. I don't think I have ever had any...but I am going to maybe try it (it sounds like something I would sit down and eat the WHOLE thing, LOL)Thanks for sharing your photos.


  9. Enjoyed all the Irish decorations on your blog. I hope to try the soda bread along with corned beef and cabbage mid-March. Happy Outdoor Wednesday!

  10. Can hardly wait to get home from my meeting with Sr. Dorothy today to try this...I'm printing the recipe even as we "speak." I agree Irish Soda Bread is tricky...Thank you! Cathy

  11. The pics are great and thanks for the bread recipe. I'll be making that on St. Patrick's Day! Have a great day!

  12. Loved all the pictures you shared today, I thin we all are daydreaming for warm summer days. The hat on the door I will have thank you and those figurine beautiful .Thank you for sharing.

  13. I had a really fabulous Irish Soda Bread from Dean & Deluca years ago. I always wanted to make some myself. Can’t wait to try your recipe!

  14. Boy I know where I should be on March 17th! Your house...
    Love all your outdoor shots. Look at all that snow, yikes! Happy O.W. to you.

  15. You did get a lot of snow! Give me the boat ride and the flower box overflowing any day. Dreaming of those scenes more and more! At least daylight savings is on the way this weekend. That will be a morale booster too.

    Beautiful Irish bonnet on your door! Poor Paddy - LOL!

  16. I would have snapped Paddy up too if I found him at the TJM that I was in...

  17. Kathleen, I thought I had saved your recipe for Soda Bread, but couldn't find it in my files. Enter, your blog, and whoop, there it is!
    I love the addition of caraway seeds, as well as (put your blinders on Ann) the raisins.

    Btw, your Irish guys are very cute.

  18. That soda bread looks good! I have to make something to take to SS for snacks this Sunday...

    Happy OW!Happy OW!

  19. I had to come back and tell you that is is by far the BEST Irish soda bread recipe ever!!!!! It is totally delish!! Best when smothered with butter just out of the oven!!!!! UMMMMM!!! Cathy

  20. Beautiful snow but I'm sure you hope it melts soon. No mail but the newspaper made it....thats funny.

    Love the hat on your door, I may have to copy it.

    Kathy b

  21. Cute pics! Bread is my weakness and I'm just drooling over your wonderful loaf of bread!


  22. I might be here in FL for the winter, ejoying some fine weather...
    but seeing your lovely pictures and wonderful Soda Bread..makes me 'homesick'...

  23. You got 15 inches on the East End? Wow... that hasn't happened often! Your pictures are beautiful, and make me homesick for Southold.

    best... Cass

  24. I hope you're all dug out by now! Warmer weather is coming! Great pics, Kathleen! You got half a foot more than we did!

    I'm trying your recipe for the party, too! and I'll PHINE you if I need help :)

  25. Great post Kathleen. Your recipe looks great. I'll have to give it a try. I love your bonnet :-)

  26. You are amassing quite a nice St. Patrick's Day collection. Will we see it on a tablescape? I bet that bread is delicious.

  27. Love soda bread, and this sounds delicious. Great outdoor shots, I can't wait for summer and farmers markets to start up again. Hope your mail is delivered soon, that is a lot of snow. And what a great collection of St. Patricks day goodies. Great post! Kathy

  28. Gorgeous, Kathleen! Happy St. Paddy's:)


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