Friday, March 20, 2009

Flashback and Foodie Friday

I am joining my friend Suzy from Kitchen Bouquets for Flashback , and Gollum from Designs by Gollum for Foodie Friday...
Please stop by their blogs to see the other entries this week...

Spring has arrived, by the calendar anyway! And the first full day of Spring is my
sweet granddaughter Lily's birthday.

Last year she asked for a Barbie Cake...I had never made one before, so I researched a bit, and then gave it my best shot...

I needed a real Barbie doll...and in this town, not easy! I found one, but she was dressed for a picnic, and I needed a Princess look...

I made a bodice for her out of satin ribbon, and weaved some pearls into her hair. I had to give her a new do, too!
Here she is with her new bodice wrapped in Saran so she can be inserted into the cake..


I made the cake in a Pandoro mold, and a small Pyrex bowl.

I had to hollow out the center so she could fit..


She is iced with whipped cream..chocolate icing in between the top and bottom of the cake.



This is the Pandoro mold I used for the skirt..


She was delighted with the cake..her little brothers amazed the doll was IN the cake..:)
So tomorrow she will get a Birthday Cake, but thank goodness she didn't ask for Barbie! :) Happy Birthday, Lily! ♥


  1. I remember that adorable cake from last year! What a labor of love that was and so cute.

    Can't wait to see what you come up with this year ;)

    Happy Birthday, Lily!

  2. What a clever solution! The cake was delightful. You're so fortunate to have a grandaughter. We just have boys, boys and more boys. Even our cat is male! Nancy
    PS: Great Easter plates behind your header.

  3. I am looking at your cake with stark envy and wishing I wasn't such a klutz, and dangerous, with a pastry bag.

    My table is still set for St. Paddys. We use the plates, put 'em in the dishwasher, and back they go into the tablescape. I can't let it go! I need intervention! I'm still wearing the green! And loving it.


  4. Thanks, Susan! I think it will just be a regular cake this year...Easter is coming..all those little egg cakes to make!

    Nancy Jane, she is our only girl..3 little boys after her..but I love them all to bits....
    And thanks on the dishes in the header. They were a birthday gift last year from my friend Pam. And the little bunny with a carrot was a gift too. Thanks, Vita!
    The other things in the pic I treated myself! I always know what gift to give..:)

    Gollum, I was shamed into going to the Easter mode. It will be here soon..I have to get all my St. Pat's put away and Easter out!

  5. Kathleen, I love your new header photo ... so springy and festive... lots of cute bunnies.

    I definitely remember when you bought the pandoro mold and made the Barbie cake. .. I think you did a beautiful job.

    I hope Lily has a wonderful birthday. And I'm sure whatever you make that she will be thrilled.

  6. Kathleen... you've been busy. Love the new header and background. And I remember the cake. You did a fantastic job on it. Eager to see this year's cake. Happy Birthday, Lily!

  7. I remember your pretty Barbie! You did a great job with it. And so creative to use your neat pan. I'd love to try one someday. Great flashback!!! I'm glad you joined me :-) Can't wait to see what you do for her this year.

  8. Have been wondering what you've been up to I know!! Great new header, love the dishes!

    I'm sure Lily will love whatever you make her! What a great Nana..that Barbie was so cute!

  9. I bet she loved her cake - one she's sure to remember as a special one!

  10. I remember her too..and the pan:)

    Love your new header K..
    It's all good~

  11. I am running late to Foodie Friday....Have a great first weekend of Spring ~ Susan

  12. Hi are an awesome & creative cook! The skirt on the barbie cake looks like crocheted lace...just beautiful! ;-) Bo

  13. Love the new header Kathleen..
    I remember seeing your Barbie Cake, and thinking what a fabulous idea. I also have 3 grandsons and 1 granddaughter..and she is into Everything Princess too,, I can just imagine what a hit your cake was with your Lily. Keep the ideas them all.

  14. You did a great job with the cake.

  15. I remember the beautiful cake as well! Lily is lucky to have such a wonderful Nana!

    Happy Birthday Lily!

  16. I remember the cake, too! What a grandma you are! The tops! Happy Birthday to Lily!

    Blog looks great! Always does :)

  17. That cake is just so cute, and so is your Easter header. laurie

  18. Hi there...just popped into your blog and I love it! You were so clever with the cake and the dressing of Barbi....Good Job.


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