Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Say No to Snow...

I did, but it didn't listen...still snowing, and COLD!

But yesterday, was beautiful, sunny above 40 and I had a great date with my friend Gail..

.See Oprah isn't the only one with a friend Gail..:)

We met at Wm SOnoma Outlet with high hopes...


It was closed for inventory!! Not to be stopped from shopping we headed down to Home Goods...

Some lady on the way out with a full cart said, "Don't go in there!"

Too late ! The shopping juices were flowing...
I will save that for another post...

Gail gave me the cutest set of place mats, napkins and heart shaped plates...AND...she
made me the cutest set of napkin rings...She even made one so I could show all of you how to make it...

Here's the table...please excuse the quality, the light was horrible today!








Here's the back...you can see how she did it..


She bought wood heart, Michael's or AcMoore has them.
She drilled 2 small holes..big enough to get thin ribbon through..
Then she painted them..
You could use a paint pen and put the name on each heart too..
Thank you, Gail...I love them!

Tonight it was time for the dreaded heart shaped meatloaf...not Mike's favorite!
Wild rice molded in a heart ramekin..and a salad...



I hope you all had a glorious Ground Hog Day...I think it is safe to bet there will be 6 more weeks of winter!


There was run on Ground Hogs, so I had to take an Auk...

Table scape Day has been moved to Thursday...see you then!


  1. I think this year is making up for a total lack of snow last year :) You'll have some spring over the weekend they said!

    Heart shaped meatloaf? you are creative! What's an Auk? I must have been distracted when we learned about those in school.

  2. You're leaving us hanging on the shopping????

    Nice things from Gail, so she's a shopper, too? Glad you finally met up with her, I know the weather has had you cooped up!

  3. Well, I think it's an auk...def not a Ground Hog..


  4. I made that meatloaf last year too..it is like a joke...keeps us laughing.., and after 38 years, that's impt! :)

  5. Yummy.... I love meatloaf...tell Mike I will eat his! Love the table too ....

    and while I am here...where did you get the little bowls in your header...and what kind of soup is in the bowl? The wind is blowing here in GA...20 degrees with a wind chill of 7! (Brrr) I want some soup!


  6. Heart-shaped meatloaf ... oh, you're such a romantic!

    Kathleen, initially I didn't read carefully and thought, "What an ugly, strange, groundhog ..." Then I read that is was an auk.

    I have several groundhogs that I used to put out in my office at school on Groundhogs Day. Let me know, if you need one next year for your tablesetting. :)

    Sounds like a fun day shopping with Gail. And before you know it, winter will be over. (I hope.)

  7. Cynthia, a gal on the Holidays forum on GW did a Ground Hog Table. It was really cute, and she had a groundhog under a dome! Go look..
    I found this ugly thing in HG marked down to 2.00...Mike says give it to the baby...I said it would give him nightmares! But I got him a cute owl, and a book for each one of them..all from Home Goods clearance...

    Susan, the last time I was in Georgia , it was so icy, they closed the bridge and let one car at a time slide across! It was terrible...
    I got the little lidded bowls in a chain we have called Christmas Tree Shops...perfect size..
    That soup is Leek and Potato with some cheddar on top..
    But I got 2 a little bigger in Home Goods, you might have a store near you?

  8. absolutely adorable! i love your table setting, great way to enjoy your snowy day! and the cloche is so cute with the hearts, GREAT JOB! very cute napkins~ you are certainly doing the show your love vday stuff, will you have enough to last 2 weeks?!

  9. Oh..... sorry WS was closed. I didn't see any signs the day before otherwise I could have saved you the trip. How was Home Goods?


  10. This is about the time when winter starts getting long and hard to take - that darn ground hog anyway!

    I 'heart' your meatloaf :)

    What a great friend to make napkin rings for you. They are perfect on your beautiful Valentine table. The heart boxes in the center - is that a candle? I'm seeing new things everytime I look!

  11. Very cute Valentine's table! Plenty of snow here across the river too. We had soup last night also, a new (and good) recipe that I'll post on the GW R/E. (Funny, we're always talking in code on the internet :)

  12. Kathleen, I love your pretty heart tablesetting... I feel the love! The meatloaf and rice are terrific!

  13. What a beautiful table! I love the white heart plates with the red plates and your BF, Gail, is so creative with those napkin rings. I am so going to copy that idea, they have those wood cutouts in all kinds of themes (bunnies for easter, clovers for st pat's, etc). I also really like the graduated hearts under the cloche and the advice to "follow your heart". How romantic carrying the theme to the meatloaf and rice

    I didn't have an Auk or a Ground Hog but I'm pretty sure there is 6 more weeks of winter too!

  14. Kathleen, I came back to see your purchases... where are they? ;-)

    And I like your new heading pic of soup... liked the other one too!

  15. Love your red and white! The heart shaped meatloaf is something I would do too...

    Great new header!

  16. Great table Kathleen with so many pretty accessories..
    I like the cloche centerpiece with the hearts too. That napkin holder is so clever and easy to make. That would have been a great class project, as a Valentine Gift, with my class...Oh well...in my next life... :)

  17. Running out the door for work, so glad I checked your blog. This will give me something other than work to think about! You and Gail are so creative. Looking forward to your TT. I'll check later.

  18. Lovely table...especially like the heart boxes under the cloche. But my favorite? Was the heart shaped meatloaf...love the way you "framed" it w/ fresh herbs...is it parsley?

  19. I like how you start valentines day early! Does Mike appreciate the love??? :-) Besides the meatloaf that is? You cracked me up about your Auk and the baby having nightmares. Love your heart bowls. I wish I had a basement to store stuff. I need to clean out a closet!! Ya..that's it.


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